tren/7ducks : 23 May 22:33:03
yeah, pavuk! ;)
i've seen it... a piece of junk ;))
ok, take it easy...
PAVUK/7GODS : 22 May 11:04:25
yeah .. my master thesis are done ;) keep in fate ! ;)
Ped - 7 Bugz : 14 May 22:30:17
Hi 3E and thank yo very much for support. *smile*
3E : 14 May 13:26:00
I think you did a great job with the 7fate demo as well with the web design. I am more pleased with the web site because i see greek gods in the wallpapers and i am also greek. Keep doing the same things and you will have more success.
Ped / 7 Bugz : 09 May 12:58:05
I got wiped my mouth at Avalcon ... fourth place from 5 256B intros... ;) kewl..
final release within hours (probably ?) at our page... :)
tren : 09 May 03:28:28
^_^marty : 05 May 05:10:36
you web design is great, so are your demos. keep on moving the demo scene!
tren : 02 May 21:39:11
polyhacker: dont worry. you just wont get any money ;). anyway, i look forward of that drinking that supposed to be happen... :))
polythrower/7g : 30 Apr 21:20:56
btw sorry to d.l., but its better this way for both sides - not keeping up with a schedule would be far worse. its not that i couldnt use some spare $. ;)
polyeater/7g : 30 Apr 21:17:13
that wasnt me, ira. i aint the only person in ludwigsburg. :)
just look into the history of this guestbook.
ira : 30 Apr 19:05:28
homeworx yeah? :))
d.l. was crying. you'd get some $.
bulmers : 29 Apr 21:47:54
ludwigsburg just fucked me right in the ass with its big rubber dick...
and the it got stuck...
and he broke it off....
and he beat me with the rest of it...
i HAVE to fight back...
but... i... am... to weak... i cantstandit... argh... trkjfdsaf....
surgi : 29 Apr 15:04:56
yaeeee, surgi was here, kyp da gut wertzk
Ped / 7 Gods : 26 Apr 08:25:01
bomber: no nazdar. :) - niekto Ti urcite vzdy odpovie ... aj ked obsiahlo asi nikdy nikto
leader - taky u nas nepracuje, skus inde ... ;)
fate - aj nas to dostalo.
dik za pochvalu, pozeram, ze sa mame navzajom v linkach ... :)) to dobre je.
bomber^marshals ( : 26 Apr 00:25:19
zdary panove! :)
dnes troska ceskeho jazyka. rad bych vas zkontaktoval, potreboval bych
nejlepe leadera, jestli mate. kdyz ne, tak nekoho, kdo casto a obsahle
emailuje, hledam nove kontakty. Fate je neco, co me dostalo...
stranka je supr, Flash rulez.
IRA : 18 Apr 17:10:08
polysqueezer: yeah, absolutely ;)
polywrestler/7g : 17 Apr 23:35:22
hmm, i can sense that certain irish flavour in tren's language :)))
ELL : 17 Apr 15:49:46
Tren> I did not mean anything
My address is (for everybody interested to send me a postcard)
Lenka Varcholova
Humenska 16
040 11 Kosice
Slovak republic
I am looking forward to receive postcards from all over the world
IRA : 17 Apr 12:49:55
ell: "i was born to make you happy"... do you mean all of us? Please dooon't... 'bout postcard: 1. I lost your address, 2. no fucking time for writing bullshit... ;) take it easy ;)
ELL : 15 Apr 12:48:44
I hope with elsa You win! Gods were born to be Winners!
and ... "I was born to make You happy ... " (just kidding)
Take care! You Tren too, do not forget to send me an Irish postcard :)
Ped : 12 Apr 11:25:11
dw: ahh... mi unikli suvislosti, az kym si sem nenapisal... :) toz, tak sa mozno znova uvidime. :)
prajem stastnu cestu a keby si mal par nabojov prebytocnych, tak vies, co s nimi... ;)
dw : 10 Apr 16:12:42
just splendid work.. gotta copy some stuff :)
hey ped.. hope to see you soon.. i'm comming to slovakia after some "romes" did what they do so often..
gRiNGo : 09 Apr 02:43:46
Keep on tha great work guyz, keep scene alive (Speccy-da best 4 EVER)
sayza : 27 Mar 22:06:31
Hey, you irish lamer, dont't be fooling us of your time offset, better write your posts on time. Elsa: still waiting ... (mayber he's scared or something)
tren da ira : 27 Mar 20:49:43
hey you buttholes, what about cleaning up this fuckin' board, too much mess around here! you know what i mean... ;)
sayza: what 'bout that dude from still interested?
fefe/7,1godz : 24 Mar 23:54:21
nechodia, xoom ich oddrbe. suuuux. dakujem, pridte aj nabuduce.
fefe/667godz : 24 Mar 23:52:38
aby som nezabudol, lowpoly q3 alebo fatebench character:
hmm... chodia aj tagy?
fefe/41godz : 24 Mar 23:49:55
ja mam pevne lajno.
tren - kup si strongbow alebo bulmers (obe alkohol).
moc fajn. a po zopar flasiach sa mozes vyspat s opicou. :)
Ped : 24 Mar 16:30:50
Tren: potom si casom kup pevnu lajnu, zeby si mohol byt onlajno.
tren (the irish god) : 24 Mar 13:56:52
tak co? mate sa?
som v dubline, cesta bola cool, az na ten posun letu z prahy do dublinu (asi o 2 hodiny). place je cool, praca (este neviem, som nic nerobil zatial), okrem toho ze som instaloval stroj... Athlon neviemkolkomhz, voodoo3 (zatial, dufam ze nie dlho, 16 bit sux).
Mame tu vo firme len dialup (je sice zadarmo, sef plati len telefon, provider je zadarmo, sila).
Ozvem sa later...
polypusher/7gods : 23 Mar 23:25:03
tren vraj si nebol pit predtym nez si odisiel? wtf? :)
Mondo ( : 23 Mar 10:15:40
Zdravim Trena do Dublinu! Dufam ze stastne docestoval a skoro sa ozve... :-)
: 21 Mar 13:09:25
cafte ani trocha slovenciny
PAVUK : 21 Mar 11:55:39
Ami : 18 Mar 23:44:28
: 18 Mar 02:34:33
Hej lidi ,co trochu cestiny ,ta neuskodi :)
fefe/7gods : 18 Mar 02:17:13
happy st. patrick's day bulmers and ell! just got somewhat kicked from a stupid pub.
mental note to myself: avoid fucked up pubs. choose good ones. life will get better. avoid bad music. life will get nicer. avoid idiots. life will
get easier....................................
tren & ped: get well soon.
bulmers: im damned. cant wait to see k.s. see you soon ;)
Lesanka : 17 Mar 16:36:01
anyway...I like this homepage
ELL : 17 Mar 16:03:14
to sayza: Am I not a guest??? Then you should have put it here before,
so I would know...
to ped: no your English, you! You should take days off man, you
hard - working man!!! And do not always think about girlz, man!
to bulmers : Happy St. Patrick%B4s Day to you too! I will celebrate it with
Porto wine in the nice Portugesse town Coimbra.
to 7God(ie)s : Take care guys and release Linux copy of your hard work!
sayza : 17 Mar 13:37:23
I always thought this is a GUESTbook ....
Ped / 7G : 17 Mar 13:33:41
ELL: na kurze mam ELL, keby este aj moja anglictina isla na kurz, tak uz fakt neviem, co by som robil...
bulmers : 17 Mar 12:31:58
DAMNation fefe
you missed it again...
tonight they will show princess mononoke on the trickfilm festival...
but on the 30. they show kijukirus summer in the caligari again...
this time OV with subtitles...
ELL : 16 Mar 15:29:45
Ped: neviem kde...
mal by si sa zucastnit na nejakom kurze :)
napr. o e-commerce
fefe/7gods : 15 Mar 21:44:05
yeah, you're l33t bulmers. :) im gonna come for the fmx. wont let you
have all the fun. and japanese? why not...
and just to make sure everyone gets it:
***anyone who will fight final fantasy will get roaaaasted!***
hmm... maya? hello? anyone? ;)
Ped : 15 Mar 17:31:28
ELL: samozrejme, ze nikto... :)) a vobec, anglictinu mam vies kde ... ;)
bulmers : 15 Mar 14:00:24
l33t p30pl3 u53 l167w4v3
hey fefe im gonna play babysitter for one of those guys at fmx2k
hes from canada and is doing low budget anime style animation...
btw im going to a japanese course in mai... have to learn it before final fantasy 9 comes out...
are you with me?
pavuk/7gods : 15 Mar 11:39:14
keep calm boyz ;) i can censore this board if i can ... ;)
fefe/7gods : 14 Mar 21:46:53
bulmers calm down. im gonna come and help you fuck maya. ;)
ELL : 14 Mar 17:09:52
PED: kto Ti robi korektury? Po Tvojej Slov-english ???
Who makes corrections in your Slovak-like English?
Take care of U and others and your bugs :)
Lesanka : 14 Mar 17:04:03
Howdy guys (never ever godies :) )
Aj tak ta zlata farba je v tej tme ZELENA!!!
Anyway, that gold staff is green-like in your dark FATE.
Best luck
bulmers : 14 Mar 00:54:19
hi fefe
Ped / 7 Gods : 13 Mar 15:15:12
Elemental and Makke. Thanks for support.. :)) It's lot more easy to devote a part of our lives
to demo scene, when we know, that someone cares. :)
To all, who have problems to run FATE ... try 32bpp mode (16bpp has problems with stencil buffer
on most cards), try to check 256x256 texture size limit checkbox, and try in window/fullscreen
nosound... try other drivers ... send us sum of results ...
Reported are problems with Voodoo3 and G400 cards, look like the OGL drivers don't implement
all API correctly, and like we are using some not-often things, which are not-well implemented.
Looks like stencil buffer causes some problems for most drivers, or something like that.
If you have an idea, what's going on, help us, we'll love you. *smile*
Yet we will try to fix this, but we have actually a real problem to get to these problematic
boards, and we may not even guess, when we will be able to fix it.
If you are experiencing problems with nVidia TNT or better card, than definitely drivers
sucks, because we tested in on several nVidia cards, and a decent performance in 32bpp modes
has been a rule. (time to check for new detonator drivers ?)
Ped : 13 Mar 14:42:47
anubiss: pridame, ked tam dostaneme aspon to, co tam MA byt ... (vid. nase problemy s updatom webu a pod...)
ad 90210 .. bug ... pozri "how-to-run" ... a bud rad, ze sa Ti to podarilo aspon NEJAK spustit...
uz aj to je uspech. ;) Momentalne najstabilnejsie demo je jednoznacne WHY, aj ked aj to ma napr.
problem, ked mas Windows desktop v 32bpp mode a je blby driver...
Makke : 12 Mar 18:00:28
Well...I don't get shit of what's said in here but I thought I'd leave a message and say that the flash-stuff on the site looks quite fancy
u.h.o. : 12 Mar 15:49:44
Zdravim fstekyx
ste ozay na urovni (bol som i na DemoBite, prebehol som i vase stranky -
jedina vyhrada: nie som puritan, no opravte si gramaticke tvrdkyi -
nex ste na 100% cool :)
Vela tvorivyx xvil a ynspyracye zela U.H.O.
Elemental ( : 11 Mar 02:51:01
hello ! i am a very big fan of the demo-scene. i read about your winning demo FATE and downloaded it the first day it was available ! wow ! i must say, i am a -very- big fan of your work (only on pc ! i have no spectrum ! :) ) i hope to see more of your productions on the future. keep up the GREAT work, i am a now a FAN of the 7gods !! :)
Elemental in the USA
anubiSS : 10 Mar 19:53:04
Mozete do speccy liniek pridat adresu
(myslim, ze som celkom dobry ;-)
btw, preco 90210 sliape, len ked NEMAM viac ako 30MB free RAM?? ;-)
(inac hlasi, ze jej chce viac)
pavuk : 10 Mar 17:59:58
pohoda ... trba monda dokopat ku kompu ...
lenze boh vie kde sa on flaka .. minule som ho videl s katrenou ;)
Ped : 10 Mar 15:32:46
Pefo: takych preklepov je tu kopu ... horsie je to s tymi linkami a pod... treba to cim skor
dotiahnut do konca... :(( damn.
Pefo : 10 Mar 15:18:32
"90210" od 7 GODS Nase prve verejne demo pre IBM PC - ucastnik DemoBit-u '95 - 4. miesto
-> Ako spusiti 90210
Mondo : 08 Mar 17:36:30
Pavuk: xcel som vedla nicku klikatelnu adresu. :-) normalne uvidis iba adresu a bude to link :-))
Pefo : 07 Mar 13:21:06
nejde stranka hmmm :)
pavuk/7gods : 06 Mar 11:23:20
takze sa nam to tu pekne rozbehlo ...
mondo: si myslel take nieco ze ked ukazes kurzorom na nick na boarde, tak
tam bude mailto, alebo chces osobitne email adresu vedla nicku ? ;)
Kasou : 06 Mar 11:09:01
tren> Nejeb ma, lebo si to zormyslim, a urobim nejaku haluzoinu. BTW> Idem robit intro64k, nechcem vyhrat VB...
polygon_abuser/7gods : 05 Mar 22:15:59
Ten, kto bude bojovat proti FF8, skonci na razni. A ja sa o to postaram.
tren : 03 Mar 18:59:08
btw, poznate hlboku pointu fate? :)) ak este nie, tak napisem, tu sa este nepisalo. Prisiel na to Desro cestou z demobitu domov... (btw, tam teda bola ina atmosfera...)
takze: Ten, kto bude bojovat proti netskejpu, skonci na razni. A my sa o to postarame.
tren : 03 Mar 18:40:58
kasou: budeme sa len tesit, aby sme ta mohli zdrbat za 3d a chybajuci design... taky engine dokazu aj ludia z ulic, a o designe nehovoriac.
tren : 03 Mar 18:39:02
a co? myslis, ze este som neprepadol do zakopy ignorancie? mno... to by bolo fasa jednoduche, nie... dokoncte :))) heh... ja som uz dokoncil, co vy?
Ped : 03 Mar 14:53:19 - citujem "(1st place demo still unreleased.)",
takze len tak, keby vam chybala motivacia na dokoncenie final release...
Proste, treba ho spravit, aby mohli aj vo svete nas fajne skritizovat... :)) Ostatne,
to moze byt este vacsia sranda, ked nas zacnu aj foreign ludia dodzubavat...
takze go ahead ... :))
Fefe a nehraj tolko ten FF8, robenie dema je lepsie...
Pefo : 03 Mar 14:44:20
zdravim seckych ... :) Test 1 2 3 4 a ide :)
Mondo : 03 Mar 12:04:47
Pavuk: okez. takyto guestbook moze byt, len by tu este mohla byt kolonka e-mail.
kasou : 02 Mar 17:25:39
Gody, nabuduce vas prekonam... Uz dva tyzdne robim na vlastnom tride, takze uz som sa konecne rozhybal, a seckych vas prevalcujem (chachacha!!!).
BTW> Kedy bude ten "Nas nazor na scenu"???
tren : 02 Mar 15:06:44
sa na fate asi tiez vykaka, a ostane to neverending story, teraz nech sa ucinia ti, ktori doteraz picovali, namiesto toho aby seriozne makali :)
PAVUK : 02 Mar 14:39:42
lamerz ;) do dvoch tyzdnov bude final release dema FATE ...
pockajte si ... ;) bude to super ! ;)
fh : 02 Mar 13:51:07
pavuk napina, slubuje a skutek utek
SadMan : 02 Mar 13:27:04
pafuk, ta kde mas to megademo?